Auchterarder Parish Church Good Friday, 29th March 6-7 pm
From the roaring crowd at the entry into Jerusalem to the moving drama of the crucifixion, a chorus of voices tell the Easter story. A powerful piece of theatre and worship, The People’s Passion brings the community together to re-create the events of Holy Week. There’s a part for everyone and no rehearsal needed. There are parts for groups and parts for individuals, music and moments of reflection. 'Riding Lights' provides the script, you provide the cast.
The Riding Lights Theatre Company's play, 'The People's Passion' , is a new venture for APC and we hope for a good audience to support the organisers and participants. Rooted in long, Christian tradition, a passion play enacts the events of the last week of Jesus’ life, engaging all of the audience as the crowd.
Place yourself there as you shout, listen, jeer, cheer and are drawn in as an active witness to the events of Holy Week. Suitable for all ages, this special event awakens all our senses to respond to the Easter story. Coming for the first time to Aucherarder – come and feel the passion!
It will last from 6-7 pm to allow those who wish to attend the Stations of the Cross at 7.00 pm at Our Lady's Church.