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Messy Church @ APC

The aims of Messy Church  are as follows: 
  • to provide an opportunity for people of  all ages to worship together
  • to help people of all ages feel they belong to the church and to each other
  • to help people have fun together
  • to give people a chance to express their God-given creativity
  • to invite people in to experience a Chrstian community
  • to introduce people to Jesus through  hospitality, friendship, stories and worship

Historically, we met at APC every 2 or 3 months and our themes were either based around a Christian festival like Christmas or Easter, or a Biblical character or story.  Since Covid, we meet regularly on the first Sunday of each month - excluding July and August -  and are building up our Messy Church family.   Keep a look out for any new information!!!
People of all ages are welcome - to attend or to help - and the aim is to be as inclusive as possible.  Children should come along accompanied by a parent or carer.  This makes Messy Church a unique type of event, a family event, where parents -  and any other adults, family members or not - participate and not just drop their children off!
We meet in the afternoon from 4.00 until 5.30 pm (NB change of time from previous years!).  Our programme starts with some singing, usually a warm-up, a theme-setting activity and then our teaching for the day. After that, we choose what crafts, games or activities to do until we come back together to remind ourselves of the day's teaching, do more fun singing - usually very loudly! -  and bring the worship to a close.  We always finish with a light fellowship meal for everyone involved - usually one of my favourite bits!
Messy Church dates until June 2025
All events are on Sundays from  4:00 - 5:30 pm unless noted!

      12 January (NB change of schedule) Movie Night  with snacks provided!
      02 February
      02 March
      06 April
      04 May
      01 June

You can pre-register beforehand each month, which helps us have an idea of numbers 
both for crafts and catering for the light meal we share together.
Email: to let us know you are coming, but don’t worry if 
you forget - just come along anyway. All children should be accompanied by an adult/s.

For any more information, please contact:



Get in touch:

Thanks for submitting!


Auchterarder Parish Church,  

24 High Street, 


PH3 1DF  


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Auchterarder Parish Church of Scotland
Registered Charity SC001688 
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