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Writer's picturesandra.miller

Praying together is a core part of our identity as a Christian church. In APC we have 2 prayer groups every week:

• online on a Saturday morning 9am-9.30 (ask Lynn for the link).

• before the Sunday service 9.30-10am in the Lounge.

Anybody can come at any time – you don’t have to pray out loud and you don’t have to come every week. There are no experts! We pray for problems in the world and for issues arising for our friends and neighbours. If there’s something or someone you would like prayer for (with their permission), please just mention it to Lynn.

Or why not join us sometime, you’d be most welcome.

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As many of you will already know, our Day of Prayer is this Sunday, 21 January. Part of this is a Prayer Walk that encourages us to walk around our community and pray for groups and activities in various locations. You don't need to wait until Sunday to do this, of course!!! Below is a sheet to give you suggestions of places and people to pray for and think about. Feel free to do this any time you like - and as often as you wish!

As many of you will already know, our Day of Prayer is this Sunday, 21 January. Part of this is a Prayer Walk that encourages us to walk around our community and pray for groups and activities in various locations. You don't need to wait until Sunday to do this, of course!!! Below is a sheet to give you suggestions of places and people to pray for and think about. Feel free to do this any time you like - and as often as you wish!

Weekend Away, for anyone in primary 5 to secondary 6, from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th February

An exciting opportunity for our young people to go away for a fun-filled weekend to Lendrick Muir near Kinross. It's a great outdoor centre with lots of fun activities. The link below gives more information.

We hope to be able to reduce the cost significantly, so please don't let that put you off.  Please let Michelle or Sandra know if you are interested.  Email:

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