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You may feel you have already done this, but if not, now's your chance! Our APC Holiday Club has the title Go Bananas!this year. Set on a desert island, we meet 5 different OT and NT characters who 'went bananas 'for God in one way or another!

Crucial to running a Holiday Club are the volunteers who help both with the preparation and in each session - teachers; set designers and builders; snack makers; actors; musicians; registrars; games leaders; leaders...... a long list.

Our first meeting is on Monday 18 March @7:30 in the Church Centre. If you want to find out more, why not pop along and hear what it's all about and perhaps how you may use your prticular skill to help?! If youwant to find out more, speak to Lynn, Michelle or Sandra.


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Auchterarder Parish Church Good Friday, 29th March  6-7 pm

From the roaring crowd at the entry into Jerusalem to the moving drama of the crucifixion, a chorus of voices tell the Easter story.  A powerful piece of theatre and worship, The People’s Passion brings the community together to re-create the events of Holy Week. There’s a part for everyone and no rehearsal needed. There are parts for groups and parts for individuals, music and moments of reflection.  Riding Lights provides the script, you provide the cast. 


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