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Today we marked the long service of a group of Church Elders - some of whom are pictured here - who had given between them over three hundred years!!! Some had served as Elders in previous congregations since their Ordination but they were all thanked and certificates given by Rev Dr Lynn McChlery, our Minister.

We also marked the retiral - and not for the first time! - of Rev Iain Paton, who has been our Assistant Minister for many years. He does promise to help out if needed, so watch this space!!! He and his wife, Marjorie, also a stalwart at APC, will continue to worship with us, so we are certainly not losing them.

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Writer's picturesandra.miller

This year's Holiday Club is not far away already! Pre registering you children is really helpful, so please check our the website for information and fill in your form/s - one for each child who is at school in P1 - S2 this school year. Here is a link to the downloadable form:

registration form 2024paper.docx   Print and fill it in, then hand it into the Church Centre, Messy Church or Kidsteam on a Sunday morning.

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