Giving to APC: Joyful Generosity
As Christians, we believe that everything we have is a gift from God. Giving back to God is part of our worship and discipleship and one way we show our thankfulness. The church’s ministry and mission depend on the generous gifts of our members, and we are grateful to everyone who gives.
So, might you prayerfully consider how to make a regular offering to APC? Mainly there are three ways.
Our preferred method is for members to give via standing order (monthly, quarterly or annually) through your bank account. This makes giving part of your regular Christian commitment and allows our finance team to budget accurately on predicted income. Taxpayers can also easily claim Gift Aid – an extra 25% of your gift. Both Standing Order and Gift Aid forms are available from the Finance Team or can be downloaded below. The Bank Account Sort Code is: 80-05-37 Account No: 00130041
Some people prefer to use weekly Freewill Offering envelopes to place on the plate at the door and these are available from the Finance Team. Cash can also be placed in the offering plate.
Finally, we can now accept contactless donations via the machines at the church door, the Church Centre and the coffee hatch. You can now also use this link DONATE to give online or scan the QR code:
Our Finance team would be delighted to hear from you. You can contact Vicky Anderson, Gift Aid Convenor or Kenny Mackay, Treasurer by emailing: admin@auchterarderparish.org.